Transgender History Month 2022 – Jessica Lynn

We would like to invite you to you to the Transgender History Month event – Jessica Lynn on 9 September 2022 at the Kino Kameralne Cafe.

🏳️‍⚧️ Jessica Lynn is a world-renowned transgender advocate, educator, and activist. Her experiences as a transgender woman and parent led her to dedicate her life to spreading awareness and acceptance for gender non-conforming communities around the world. Jessica is considered, internationally, one of the foremost transgender speakers due to her dynamic, refreshingly honest speaking style, unique sense of humour and signature 'ask-me-anything’ Q&A sessions. Over the last several years, Jessica has travelled over a million miles, visiting 28 different countries, presenting over a twelve hundred times, helping to educate the general public about the transgender community… and she isn’t finished yet.


18:00 Key Note Speaker – Jessica Lynn

19:00 Discussion panel – Jessica Lynn, Hugo Podraza and UG Professor Anna Kłonkowska. Moderated by Agata Kukwa

🏳️‍⚧️ Hugo is an oceanography student and the vice-president of Rainbow Harbour, a student-led organisation advocating for the rights of LGBTQIA+ people at the University of Gdańsk. He’s involved in the Tri-City support group for queer youth organised by Tolerado, as well as volunteer work surrounding the Tri-City Pride March. His activism stems from his own experiences as a transgender man growing up in rural, conservative Poland.

🏳️‍⚧️ Anna M. Kłonkowska – is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Gdansk. She is a sociologist, psychologist and philosopher. She has authored and co-authored numerous English and Polish publications in the field of transgender studies and masculinity studies, and coordinated, co-translated and edited the Polish translation of WPATH Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People. She has founded and facilitated for over 10 years a support group for transgender and gender diverse persons. Anna Kłonkowska is a recipient of the Chair in Transgender Studies Research Fellowship for Visiting University-based Scholars and Professionals (The Transgender Archives, University of Victoria), the Fulbright Foundation Senior Research Award (Stony Brook University), NAWA Bekker Program Research Award (Stony Brook University), Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowship (Stony Brook University), Bednarowski Trust Fellowship (University of Aberdeen), and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Fellowship (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg). A Visiting Scholar in the CSMM at the State University of New York in 2013, 2016-17, 2019-20; member of the AMSA Board of Directors; Ambassador of the Fulbright Program in Poland.

20:30 Networking

See you at Kino Kameralne Cafe at 4 Lektykarska Street (entrance from Długa Street, next to the Hampton Hotel).

The event is organised by the diversityPL Foundation

The operator of the „Gdańsk Equality Fund 2022” is the WAGA Association.

The project is co-financed by the City of Gdańsk as part of the public task „Gdańsk Equality Fund 2022”.

Event partners:
🟥Kino Kameralne Cafe
🟨Młodzieżowa Rada Miasta Gdańska🟩Tolerado
🟦Tęczowy Port UG
🟫 Kinsey Institute

🇬🇧 The conference will be in English.

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